1 Aims

page created on 13 06 2020            hidden from normal readers

  1. The prime aim is to provide support for parents involved in home schooling children within the context of the science of space, universe and astronomy.
  2. The way the aim will be achieved is by creating a website which will be capable of being found by children and parents within searches relating to the science of space, universe and astronomy.
  3. Once the site has been found it should be capable of searches within it.
  4. There will be two main sections.
  5. The first is based on the children's website here.
  6. They would rely on their parents to make contact in this way.
  7. The parent section will be based on this the present site which will comprise hidden pages.
  8. This section might look like this.

2  The story so far

1  Home schooling

  1. The children's site was the result of meeting a parent who is home schooling her three children.  
  2. That was about a month before lock-down.  
  3. Had that not happened, there would have been five or so hourly teaching sessions for about 16 children.
  4. There would have been follow-up sessions on specific topics and projects.
  5. Individual parents would have had their own interactions with me.
  6. Further group sessions would have materialised with other parents within the 1.1 parent group numbering c 750 parents.
  7. Might be the Oxford Home-schooling Group here.
  8. Might be part of UK group here.

2  Related websites  created by the author

2.1  Mozello

  1. https://space-for-children.mozello.com/  insecure result

  2. https://space-for-young-people.mozello.com/

2.2  Webnode  (the present site is by webnode)

Space - for older children here   To be used as a section if the new website is changed to include 14 year-olds.

A template nearest to 2.1.3 is here. Neither template includes stars.

2..3   Domain purchase of spaceforchildren.com

Seemed a good idea recently.  Never thought a Google search would result in serious overlap as seen here.  

 https://www.spaceforchildren.com/   click it to see the result.  No good thinking of using it

This question was asked - Did you mean: spacesforchildren.com ?  similar result

2.4       space4children.com click

          "Sorry, the website space4children.com cannot be found."

  1. However, with space and children in the domain, I presume the same outcome.
  2. Looks as if the domain needs to be radically changed. thechildrensuniverse.com ?  
  3. Result - thechildrensuniverse.com's server IP address could not be found.
  4. Does that mean it has prospects?  Means changing their website title which is OK as there will be a new website.  

2.5    WordPress for Beginners 2019: A .Guide to Mastering WordPress  here   

  1. Had bought the book WordPress for Beginners 2019: A .Guide to Mastering WordPress before starting this page.  On p 8 is this link which is text from the book. No need to read it.  There is a link https://spaceforparents.net/wp-admin/update-core.php

2.6   Troubled engagement with Bluehost.

  1. I signed up to £179.30 worth but all the time there were so many other bits to buy.
  2. Spent ages phoning USA with no answer, messing about, and finally found the chat system. Fingers + for a refund. via here  No need to read: it's where I can find again.  Refunded later.

2.7    Blogger - created 14 06 2020  here   

        can't see it without being logged in

        tried on another PC when not logged in  - nbg

2.8  Local by flywheel  17 06 20

      Bits of this page keep tumbling.

3   Other feedback

 Another friend has kindly offered advice.  I have included some main comment and have asked him if the rest of them can be posted here.

1  Appropriate material for the audience?

If the audience is 8-12 years old, the material needs to speak to them. I'm a big Trekkie but as a teacher, I wouldn't refer to Star Trek because it wouldn't resonate with my students. Perhaps this is something for a university-aged audience?

2  SEO

I have also linked you a page for SEOs (Search Engine Optimisation) where you can see what keywords will invite traffic/people to your website, upscaling views. Hope this helps. https://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/seo/keywords/research/

This will re-engage me in the next few days.

3  Ease of navigation.

The website is confusing to navigate - there are too many hyperlinks and it is not clear what you are linking to.

4  Consistency

The website needs a uniform size and font to give it weight. I'd also recommend aligning your headings so they read homogeneously.

For example: The tab, 'They are learning' vs 'Are they learning?" Align these.  [[ Done ]]


[[  All to be attended to in the new website.  ]]

4    An attempt to make contact with Oxford schools  here

Emails with link to this parent site sent 2 June - not one reply - dedicated email sent to Charlbury Primary - no reply

5  Attempt to join Oxford Home-schooling  here  18 June

3 Towards a final site

  1. One of the biggest problems I find with Wordpress is the limited number of templates after the signing up stage.
  2. My ideal homepage has been seen already above:  here
  3.  Of course, it cannot be stolen even if it were possible.
  4. I would prefer the page list to be on a white background, preferably in a box vertically listed.

  5. I am logged in here but it is Wordpress.org and not Wordpress.com
  6. It wants me to get WP but I may have been down that route already per £179.30.
  7. However, I remember there were only 16 templates listed.

  8. https://spaceforparents.net/  is nothing like it was at the beginning c two weeks ago due to my becoming deeper and deeper in confusion.
  9. As far as I remember, it's a free site.

  10. ???  ???  Learn WordPress & build a website in ONE day for £145. here ???
  11. After that, hosting is available from just £8/mo for our unlimited WordPress hosting package.

  12. How to Learn WordPress for Free in a Week (or Less) here
  13. We recommend using self-hosted WordPress.org because it gives you access to all the WordPress features out of the box.
  14. Can't do 9 - 5 as our day is too structured.  Need some system that is flexible. 



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