1 Aims
page created on 13 06 2020 hidden from normal readers
- The prime aim is to provide support for parents involved in home schooling children within the context of the science of space, universe and astronomy.
- The way the aim will be achieved is by creating a website which will be capable of being found by children and parents within searches relating to the science of space, universe and astronomy.
- Once the site has been found it should be capable of searches within it.
- There will be two main sections.
- The first is based on the children's website here.
- They would rely on their parents to make contact in this way.
- The parent section will be based on this the present site which will comprise hidden pages.
- This section might look like this.
2 The story so far
1 Home schooling
- The children's site was the result of meeting a parent who is home schooling her three children.
- That was about a month before lock-down.
- Had that not happened, there would have been five or so hourly teaching sessions for about 16 children.
- There would have been follow-up sessions on specific topics and projects.
- Individual parents would have had their own interactions with me.
- Further group sessions would have materialised with other parents within the 1.1 parent group numbering c 750 parents.
- Might be the Oxford Home-schooling Group here.
- Might be part of UK group here.
2 Related websites created by the author
2.1 Mozello
2.2 Webnode (the present site is by webnode)
Space - for older children here To be used as a section if the new website is changed to include 14 year-olds.
A template nearest to 2.1.3 is here. Neither template includes stars.
2..3 Domain purchase of spaceforchildren.com
Seemed a good idea recently. Never thought a Google search would result in serious overlap as seen here.
https://www.spaceforchildren.com/ click it to see the result. No good thinking of using it
This question was asked - Did you mean: spacesforchildren.com ? similar result
2.4 space4children.com click
"Sorry, the website space4children.com cannot be found."
- However, with space and children in the domain, I presume the same outcome.
- Looks as if the domain needs to be radically changed. thechildrensuniverse.com ?
- Result - thechildrensuniverse.com's server IP address could not be found.
- Does that mean it has prospects? Means changing their website title which is OK as there will be a new website.
2.5 WordPress for Beginners 2019: A .Guide to Mastering WordPress here
- Had bought the book WordPress for Beginners 2019: A .Guide to Mastering WordPress before starting this page. On p 8 is this link which is text from the book. No need to read it. There is a link https://spaceforparents.net/wp-admin/update-core.php
2.6 Troubled engagement with Bluehost.
- I signed up to £179.30 worth but all the time there were so many other bits to buy.
- Spent ages phoning USA with no answer, messing about, and finally found the chat system. Fingers + for a refund. via here No need to read: it's where I can find again. Refunded later.
2.7 Blogger - created 14 06 2020 here
can't see it without being logged in
tried on another PC when not logged in - nbg
2.8 Local by flywheel 17 06 20
Bits of this page keep tumbling.
3 Other feedback
Another friend has kindly offered advice. I have included some main comment and have asked him if the rest of them can be posted here.
1 Appropriate material for the audience?
If the audience is 8-12 years old, the material needs to speak to them. I'm a big Trekkie but as a teacher, I wouldn't refer to Star Trek because it wouldn't resonate with my students. Perhaps this is something for a university-aged audience?
I have also linked you a page for SEOs (Search Engine Optimisation) where you can see what keywords will invite traffic/people to your website, upscaling views. Hope this helps. https://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/seo/keywords/research/
This will re-engage me in the next few days.
3 Ease of navigation.
The website is confusing to navigate - there are too many hyperlinks and it is not clear what you are linking to.
4 Consistency
The website needs a uniform size and font to give it weight. I'd also recommend aligning your headings so they read homogeneously.
For example: The tab, 'They are learning' vs 'Are they learning?" Align these. [[ Done ]]
[[ All to be attended to in the new website. ]]
4 An attempt to make contact with Oxford schools here
Emails with link to this parent site sent 2 June - not one reply - dedicated email sent to Charlbury Primary - no reply
5 Attempt to join Oxford Home-schooling here 18 June
3 Towards a final site
- One of the biggest problems I find with Wordpress is the limited number of templates after the signing up stage.
- My ideal homepage has been seen already above: here
- Of course, it cannot be stolen even if it were possible.
- I would prefer the page list to be on a white background, preferably in a box vertically listed.
- I am logged in here but it is Wordpress.org and not Wordpress.com
- It wants me to get WP but I may have been down that route already per £179.30.
- However, I remember there were only 16 templates listed.
- https://spaceforparents.net/ is nothing like it was at the beginning c two weeks ago due to my becoming deeper and deeper in confusion.
- As far as I remember, it's a free site.
- ??? ??? Learn WordPress & build a website in ONE day for £145. here ???
- After that, hosting is available from just £8/mo for our unlimited WordPress hosting package.
- How to Learn WordPress for Free in a Week (or Less) here
- We recommend using self-hosted WordPress.org because it gives you access to all the WordPress features out of the box.
- Can't do 9 - 5 as our day is too structured. Need some system that is flexible.