Hidden page about "more" 

This page is about a plugin for "more" used as follows.

Imagine that the right-hand column doesn't exist.

The reader reads items on the left and clicks more and the item on the right is displayed.

It means that the items on the left cover the width of the page.

When the page is closed, it returns to as it was.

Is there such a plugin?

  1. Education must have clear aims. An aim is a predetermined outcome which inspires the individual to attain it through appropriate activities. more

  2. Educational aims are necessary in giving direction to educational activity.  more

  3. An individual aim of education means imparting knowledge according to the needs, desires, and interest of an individual.  more

  5. It also means growth of individuality.  Giving choice is a key factor  in the  children's website. more


  1. Parents experienced in home schooling have set their aims.  The Corona situation has brought many new parents to the process.  In broad terms, parental aims for their children are dominated by increased learning, motivation and self confidence.  

  2. The needs, desires, and interest of  individual children are unchanged by Corona.  They and their parents adapt as best they can. 

  3. Parents are best placed in deciding the needs, desires, and interest of their children.

  4. Children express their individuality through their choice of route through their website.  There are some 65 pages to choose from.



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