Diversity within the home schooling LA

LA - Learning Arena.

Google  -   The Importance of Diversity in home schooling uk    -  result -  and read the first half dozen entries.   Ignore "People also ask".  

Google again and replace UK with USA.  result.   Again ignore People also ask.

Ignore "We're not just sat at home in our pyjamas!"   

  1.  If I had written the title it would have been "We're not just sitting at home ... "  
  2. Socialisation and diversity of culture is its theme.  "In the USA, the most common concern about home education is that it produces social misfits."
  3. The authors are staff at Keele University, Staffordshire.  paste Item 4 (It won't 'take'.
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326542309_We're_not_just_sat_at_home_in_our_pyjamas_a_thematic_analysis_of_the_social_lives_of_home_educated_adolescents_in_the_UK

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