
Education must have clear aims and objectives, in view. An aim is a predetermined goal which inspires the individual to attain it through appropriate activities. Educational aims are necessary in giving direction to educational activity.

An individual aim of education means imparting knowledge according to the needs,desires, and interest of an individual. It also means growth of individuality. Individual aim gives first priority to individual development because individual is tool for society .  Giving choice is a key factor in the children's website.

Educational Goals are statements that describe the competences, skills, and attributes that students should possess upon completion of a course or programme.  Within the vast amount of choice within parents could help their children to make these choices.

Goals are broad, generalised statements about what is to be learned. Think of them as a target to be reached, or "hit." What are Instructional Objectives? Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviour.

When pupils are able to set goals, it helps them be accountable for action or steps they take. "Having goals makes learners aware of their actions, efforts, and even their time management skills. ... As such, it pushes pupils to tackle challenges head on and work on their weaknesses for overall success.

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