Hidden Links

  1. Well, partly hidden until you know what you're looking for. 
  2. Here's one.
  3. If you focus on the full stop it has a line under it.  Click it now and then return.
  4. Such links on the MCW (No. 1 here) have been made as small as possible and in black if possible.  
  5. Their purpose is to show the source of the text preceding them.
  6. Refind the page at 2 above and go to Item 3.
  7. "If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second."  Click the underlined full stop.  
  8. There's a black link at the foot of the page here.
  9. Go Item 6 here and find the grey comma.  
  10. This more-cunning than Moriarty approach gives you the decision to ...
  11. A - keep it quiet (until they realise!).
  12. B - tell them about it at the start. 
  13. Best of luck finding such links.  Do say if any don't work.
  14. I love them!  Feedback welcome.  
  15. Include date for pistols at dawn.

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