Hidden Links
- Well, partly hidden until you know what you're looking for.
- Here's one.
- If you focus on the full stop it has a line under it. Click it now and then return.
- Such links on the MCW (No. 1 here) have been made as small as possible and in black if possible.
- Their purpose is to show the source of the text preceding them.
- Refind the page at 2 above and go to Item 3.
- "If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second." Click the underlined full stop.
- There's a black link at the foot of the page here.
- Go Item 6 here and find the grey comma.
- This more-cunning than Moriarty approach gives you the decision to ...
- A - keep it quiet (until they realise!).
- B - tell them about it at the start.
- Best of luck finding such links. Do say if any don't work.
- I love them! Feedback welcome.
- Include date for pistols at dawn.