text for YT

  1. Retired in 2000 after a career within tourism development.
  2. BA (Hons) Open, MEd - Edinburgh.
  3. Lecturer in Tourism, University of Surrey 1974 - 1977
  4. Director Edinburgh Hotel School 1977 -1982 at Crewe Toll. New premises at Sighthill Campus here.
  5. Head of Faculty of Community Studies at Canterbury FE College 1983 - 1988.
  6. Co-director, examiner and tutor moderator - Open University Post-Graduate course in Educational Management, 1986 - 1989. Part time.
  7. After being within UK academe and FE for many years, I have worked in fifteen countries. That was mainly advising on tourism development and marketing. Occasional requests to teach English while engaged in such work led me to become qualified in TEFL. (Before www of course) Science was also on my work timetable.
  8. Dean and Professor.at Schiller University, Engelberg, near Lucerne. 1992 - 1993.
  9. In the mid 90s, I served various short term projects totalling 14 months as a volunteer with BESO here.
  10. Six months in Poland involved in tourism development included volunteering on one day a week split between mornings and afternoons teaching English and Science at two secondary schools in a town near the Ukraine border. 1994.
  11. I have been a Primary School Governor during and before which time I taught science topics within the present children's website on an informal basis over a period of three years.
  12. Fascinated at school by a compass point being turned by a nearby low voltage electric wire, I went on to a more than a passing interest in high-energy astrophysics, and astronomy.
  13. Family life and a busy career were more important than such a time-consuming interest which was rekindled on retirement in 2001.
  14. Moved to Ross-on-Wye in 2004. My late wife and I were members of its U3A.
  15. Created Ross Dementia Meeting Centre in 2018 here. (My website)
  16. Volunteer at St Richard's Hospice, Worcester 2015 to 2018 here. Performed within music therapy for dementia patients from 1130 to 1500 every Wednesday. I was the principal unpaid carer to my late wife and received paid carers to cover until govt cuts did away with such support.
  17. Attended an Astrophysics Group in Malvern here in 2018/9.
  18. Attended New Scientist conferences - examples here.
  19. Devotee of AI - example here. If self-isolating it's the best book - here.
  20. Moved to Charlbury in June 2018 and live with my poetess partner.
  21. The children's contact page is here. Hope the system suits parents.

Often thinking about the wonderful universe, even in the daytime.


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