The learning arena

"Child" also means "children".

1   Meaning

  1. The physical arena includes the personal space of quiet, a table or desk for juggling the computer, books, log, and other learning artefacts.
  2. It extends to wallpaper, lighting, sound-proofing.  Above all - a place of safety in these times of increased domestic abuse.  More if that affects you here.
  3. The non-physical arena Is your child's learning-approach determined by you and your child.  In that order.  Think it through first.  Think through the emotional aspects.
  4. It is where the focus of child-learning is shifted by discussion from you to the child, with the aim of developing a child who is autonomous and independent.
  5. The child-centred learning arena, is one where the focus of learning is transferred from the home schooling parent to the child, with the aim of developing children who are autonomous and independent, by placing the aim of learning in the hands of the children.
  6. "Arena" is not where battles and contests take place.  Rather, it is the display of success in the home schooled child achieving a degree of autonomy it would otherwise not achieved in a school setting.  That being, of course, one of the main aims of HS.
  7. Call it the learning area if you prefer.  

2   The responsibility for learning

Before encouraging your child to accept responsibility for learning, it is suggested that you:

  1. Don't make all the decisions
  2. Allow - no - promote choice.
  3. Encourage your child to make decisions about how they learn best.
  4. Create opportunities for them to pursue their own interests. Some of these may call for re-channelling at the right time - by negotiation.
  5. Widen the way they acquire and practise skills in a variety of ways.
  6. Cater for changing learning styles as your child matures and progresses.

3  Perform regular learning arena stock-taking in regard to:

  1. Evaluating your child's performance re a list of key topics which has been formulated together.
  2. Reassessing  the physical, non-physical and emotional aspects of the LA.
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