Are they learning?

Children learning 

First, there is the mug and jug method (here).  Not for you, your children or me!

Education - its derivation is partly from the Latin educere - to draw out or develop.

Parents on a daily basis do this on autopilot. However, not all have used a website to educate.  That is, for many, the first time while Covid 19 is in motion.


Let's look at Where does space start? (here)

As you are showing the page, you could manipulate it so that your child or children see only a picture/question at a time. Find out what they think. Then show the answer. Move on. Perhaps work down the page.

It's their site. You have demonstrated what they can do. If there's more than one child, one can be the fat controller (here) - FC. They can take turns.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you won't be at their side when needed and when you are using the site as part of their home-schooling.


Some more questions (here)

You may need to brief the FC about this at the bottom of that page:

"15-year-old schoolboy in UK has possibly become the youngest person to discover an alien planet."  


I was keen to be involved in home schooling as I had not met anyone involved.* 

It's easy to imagine that parents ensure a good record is kept of all learning events.  

One of the characters asks if he can become an astronaut at No. 2 here. Perhaps point your offspring towards going on space journey and keeping a log of all events using the website. More at 5 (here).

*  Never thought numbers would increase exponentially!  (Covid)

Perhaps offer encouragement to create a free website as a log.

Extracts and links would be easy to record.  

I looked at several.  This Webnode website suits me.  It is to be transferred to a better format.


Obviously, your offspring will need help.  Your expertise will increase!  

There's always the Contact page.


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