1. WP Home page
  2.  In edit mode here  I cannot see it as normal when logged in.  
  3. I had a version of it with the stars at the top of the page and website name on the left.
  4. It also had the standard large size links for Home About Blog Contact and underneath were the links to Twitter, Facebook etc both of which I removed.  
  5. A previous chat person tried to find it. No success.
  6. It also showed -      Powered by WordPress    © 2020 Universe for Parents   I have paid for the site and do not want -   Powered by WordPress.
  7. The current Home page in edit mode is here.  I don't want all that white space at the top.  The image should be first 
  8. More on 2.  On another PC and when not logged in, I can't find the Home page.

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