WP local install

Local Install Issues to be Aware of

If you've used Local, ServerPress, or any other tool to install Wordpress on your own computer, then please be aware that some Wordpress plugins may not work properly, and may cause problems with your installation making it unusable.

The types of plugins you need to avoid are those that write to your htacess file. Don't worry, I don't expect you to know what that is at this stage. To avoid these problems, if you are installing Wordpress on your own computer, do not install any of the following types of plugins until you move your site online:

  1. Wordpress security plugins, e.g. Wordfence, All-In.One Security, Stop Spammers.

  2. Caching plugins, e.g. W3 Total Cache

  3. Contact Form plugins like Contact Form 7 may work OK, but may not. This one should not cause installation issues, but don't be surprised if it does not work properly.

When you get web hosting and create your site online, these should all work fine. You are not losing anything by not installing them locally because:

  1. You don't have security issues when your site is not online.

  2. You don't need caching as all files are served locally on your computer so are already at maximum speed.

  3. You dont need contact form functionality, since there are no visitors.

Also please be aware that if you use Local by Flywheel for the local install, then the Yoast SEO plugin will return an error for your sitemap. This isn't a problem as there is no need for a sitemap on a local install. Everything should work well when you are on a web host.

Please let me know if you have concerns about any other type of plugin.

Moving your local site to a web host

If you install locally using Serverpress, you will need to buy a paid upgrade to move that site to a web host.

If you install locally using Local by Flywheel, you should be able to move your site to a web host without paying. I have never tried, but search Google for move local by flywheel site to host and you will find instructions.  here


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