Yours truly

                               Extracts from former CVs,  and additional text.

  1. Retired in 2000 after a career within academe and further education.

  2. BA (Hons) Open,  Master of Education - Edinburgh.

  3. Lecturer, University of Surrey 1974 - 1977.

  4. Director Edinburgh Hotel School 1977 -1982 at Crewe Toll.  

  5. Head of Faculty of Community Studies at Canterbury FE College 1983 - 1988.

  6. Co-director, examiner and tutor moderator - Open University Post-Graduate course in Educational Management, 1986 - 1989.  Part time.  

  7.  I have also worked in fifteen countries.  Occasional requests to teach English led me to become qualified in TEFL. (Before www.)  Science was also on my work timetable.

  8. Dean at Schiller University, Engelberg near Lucerne. 1992 - 1993. 

  9. In the mid 90s, I served various short term projects totalling 14 months as a volunteer with BESO here.
  11. Created Ross Dementia Meeting Centre in 2017 here.  (My website)

  12.  Moved to Charlbury, Oxon, in June 2018 to live with my poet partner. 

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